The SGA Tour team offers the finest golf organizational skills, which is as good as other Tours, hands down. With great amateurs to High school to collegiate players, we provide the full range of golfers. SGA Tour Commish, Jeff La Belle, leads a team of sandbaggers including 4 Tournament Directors Dave Inzana, Bryan Cass, Kyle McCall, & Jake Miller, to service all your golfing needs.

Jeff La Belle
Commissioner & Treasurer
585-576-0522 |
Jeff, an RL Thomas HS & RIT grad, is about growing the game of golf. Fitness has been an important part of his life for over 30 years, involving golf for the last 20+ years. He has had the opportunity to play with and learn from various great players over the years, ranging from PGA pros, golf schools, & his pal Gordon. Now his daughter Ava is nipping at his heels as she attends Florida Southern College. Hopefully, the will make your passion even more enjoyable too!
SGA Tour Featured in Golf Week
SGA Tour Featured in Democrat & Chronicle
Delegate Tour Coordinators

Jake Miller